
Geophysical Search Technologies

Geoinformatics And Earth Remote Sensing

Remote sensing uses reflected solar radiation and emitted / reflected thermal radiation from the earth's surface to map changes in surface materials through the variation in their spectral absorbance, achieving in conjunction with GIS, the creation of computer simulations and interpretations of these data flows, to achieve reliable evaluations of the conditions of a terrain to be explored.

Some minerals, for example, show characteristic absorbance characteristics that alter with changes in crystal structure, molecular substitution, and water content. The spatial pattern of spectral variations can help to understand geological processes and can provide vectors identifiable to our experts.

Remote sensing imagery is widely used in LASE to aid in the interpretation and compilation of geological and regolith maps. Wide coverage, high spatial resolution, and multispectral capabilities make this data most useful in remote and arid environments where geological information is limited. In these regions, effective field work requires focusing on key areas of geological importance. These can be identified from remote sensing data using spectral enhancement and image processing such as mineral maps, false color images, band ratios and principal components to extract information on lithologies, geological environments, landforms, structural features , spectral variations indicative of geochemical signatures, among many others, that our team of experts knows through their years of experience.

Low-Altitude Remote Sensing Technologies For Geological Prospecting

UAS unmanned aerial system

Unmanned Airborne Vehicles (UAVs) are pilotless aircraft that fly military, police, and now commercial missions in a variety of applications. During the last decade, UAVs gained rapid acceptance and popularity due to their low cost, high quality data, and the ability to be equipped with many types of sensors, ranging from simple cameras to advanced geophysical equipment such as magnetometers and gradiometers. quantum LASE.

With high resolution image capture and low noise threshold (high sensitivity), LASE's drone magnetometer combines a decade of research and field testing in a small and lightweight drone sensor with ready-to-use unmanned aerial systems in a Today's world where unmanned aerial operations are of high frequency in the exploration of land in search of mineral deposits.

The used software and theexperience of our team maximize the effectiveness of remotely piloted aircraft with flexible systems integration and intuitive control that allows our wide range of sensors to be very effective in your reconnaissance activities.


Unmanned Aerial System For Magnetic Prospecting

  • 10 square kilometers of high-quality magnetic survey per day
  • Quality better then at terrestrial or aerial surveys
  • Half the price of terrestrial survey
  • Precision Overhauser magnetometer (0.5 nTl Absolute Accuracy)


3D-Inversion Of Uav Magnetic Prospecting Data

The three-dimensional magnetic inversion allows obtaining a distribution of magnetic parameters, by allowing a dense sampling with demarcated limits, achieving a better approximation to the original data with the least amount of time investment.
Their problem stems from the redundancy of the data, but in LASE we have a method of fine-tuning the results through the data obtained from the sampling of large-scale or high-density investigations, making the final calculations more efficient.


UAS For Gamma-Spectrometry

  • 10 square kilometers of gamma-survey per day
  • Quality better then at terrestrial or aerial surveys
  • Half the price of terrestrial survey

A – UAS survey
B – Aerial survey
C – Terrestrial data



UAS For Gamma-Spectrometry

  1. transmitter line grounding of the line ends;
  2. current switch.

World first technology of UAV-based Time-Domain Soundings (UAV-TEM)

Example of 1D Inversion (Resistivity Sections)

Geometry of measurements by  the UAV-TEM method



Systems Can Works In Difficult Environmental Conditions (Example – Uav-Tem System)


Variants Of Uas Systems For Integrated Magnetic And Gamma-Ray Surveys



Photogrammetric And Lidar Scanning Technologies



Our Uav-Ers Technologies Allow Solving A Wide Range Of Geological, Geodetic And Engineering Problems



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